Friday 6 May 2016

~ Sweet Potato Chips ~

Hi all, it's Megan here to kick off our blog with a delicious snack.

I'm sure there's lots of you out there that can empathise with me when i get those little guilty cravings for hot chips. I can be a real sucker for them; despite knowing they really aren't the healthiest. So of course I got excited when, eating out one night, I decided to experiment with some sweet potato chips. Whilst unconvinced at first, once you have a couple amazing, tasty, crispy, salty chips- AND discover they were actually much healthier than an ordinary potato I was ecstatic; even more so when later on I realised just how easy they are to make at home. So now I have found a new favourite snack to make at home that not only taste sensational, but I don't have to feel so guilty about it since sweet potatoes are much healthier and tastier too. Not to mention they are oven baked so they aren't drowned in oil. Its easy enough to make in 4 simple steps!

1. Cut up your sweet potatoes however you want- thin, chunky, small chips or big wedges.
2. Lightly coat the potato with some oil, salt and pepper and any other spices you want- I like to add some mixed herbs to give that extra flavour.
3. Spread out onto a baking tray and put in the oven to cook, turning them over halfway through.
Disclaimer! Now you need to understand that I am still an amateur at these so I haven't perfected the right timing or temperature, so you should experiment as well. It all depends heavily on how big you've made them, how crispy you like them and how desperate you are to quickly eat them. I've found 40 minutes at around 200 degrees works well.
4. Enjoy your delicious healthy, oven-baked Sweet potato chips. My personal favourite is dipping them into my special homemade sweet chilli mayo sauce- which seem to complement each other perfectly.

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have, its made me hungry just thinking about it Time to turn the oven on. 

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