Monday 16 May 2016

Vanilla Pudding/Custad

Vanilla Pudding/Custard

Custard pudding is one of my usually ordered dessert.I really want to recommend your guys to taste it and even learn how to make it into easy way. Finally, enjoy it just like me.

Easy Peasy Vanilla Custard1/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups whole milk
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a small sauce pan, combine the sugar, cornstarch and salt.  in a small saucepan. Whisk them together. As always with combining a few dry ingredients, the littler the whisk, the better.

didn’t have any whole milk on hand and was not in the mood to go out so I used 1 3/4 cups regular milk and 1/4 cup of condensed milk (Don’t judge me). Sounds weird, yes, but it worked and tasted very creamy.
Anyway, pour in the milk, switch to a larger whisk and mix well to make sure all the dry ingredients are properly incorporated. You don’t want lumps and pockets of powder in your pudding. Scrape the sides and bottom of the sauce pan properly. Bring your mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring it intermittently. It should thicken quite a bit by now. 

You should separate the yolk from the whites. Don’t throw away those whites, they make a great omelet. Temper the egg yolk by slowly pouring about a third of the boiled milk mixture into the egg white and whisk quickly. Pour the tempered eggs mixture back into the sauce pan with the remaining milk mixture and stir. Put it back on the heat to simmer for a very short (30 seconds to 1 minute). 

Remove from heat and whisk in the butter and vanilla extract. Allow to cool for a few seconds and it’s ready. Pour it into little ramekins and chill in the fridge or serve piping hot. I like mine cool with a dash or either cinnamon or cocoa powder. 
TIP: If you’re putting it into the fridge and you don’t like that film that forms on the top (I utterly dislike it), cut a piece of cling film or saran wrap enough to cover the top of the bowl or ramekin and place it directly ON the pudding and up the sides of the container (after it has cooled for about a minute and is not steaming). When you take the saran wrap off after the pudding has chilled, there won’t be any icky film. 

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