Thursday 2 June 2016

Sweet and Savoury's vlog

Our blog has been all about featuring our favourite dishes and restaurants we wanted to share with everyone and recommend. It has been really enlightening, especially learning about some of the cultural dishes that I'm sure a lot of us haven't heard of before. So to finish of our blog, instead of focusing about us, we decided to go around Macquarie University and interview others what sort of foods they enjoy. We would love others to join in and share their opinions too!

In making our vlog, once we decided on the focus, we brainstormed what questions to ask. Once we narrowed down the questions to a small list, the whole group worked together in filming the interviews as we went around the campus finding people to star in our vlog. Megan then edited together all the separate clips and turned it into our final video.

Hope you enjoy our vlog!